You know how therapy-speak made its way into everything and now your grandfather knows what “triggered” means? Yeah, we’re approaching a similar thing with business lingo.

In previous generations, certain terms would never leave the boardroom. Now, you don’t have to look far to see people discussing the benefits of “running your relationship like a business” and the many ways you and your partner can “maximize your potential,” whatever that means.

Naturally, if you do choose to run your relationship like a business, you’re going to need to have meetings, and if you’re wondering what those meetings might look like, well, here you go.

In a TikTok posted by Kristen of @thecenteredlife, she says that she and her partner (they call themselves a “power couple” but I will be refraining from doing so) perform an annual “reset for the new year.”

According to Kristen, this “resetting” involves filling out a color-coded worksheet as part of what she dubs the couple’s “annual partner summit.” Laying out the details, it seems pretty straightforward — they talk about what they liked in the past year, what goals they have for the next one, etc. By the end, they fill out a mission statement for the upcoming year.

Commenters on TikTok were fairly positive. Commenters on X/Twitter, however, were significantly less so.

In these users’ eyes, treating your ostensibly romantic relationship like an end-of-year earnings call felt “inhuman” and “embarrassing.”

But what do they know, right? Sure, love is something that’s been the fascination of philosophers and poets for about as long as humans have existed, but what if we turned it into something I could put in my Google Calendar? Better yet, what if we charged people $5 to download the form to do it themselves? (Yes, they’re really doing that.)

If you’re looking for a fun date night idea, here you go. Or, if you want to have an even better time, you can do literally anything else.